Monday, May 7, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Days 12 and 13

me, day 12. 

I am still here, feeling fantastic.  I've been taking care of things around my home that I had to neglect the first 10 days due to being flat on my back/sick the entire time.

I tried on a size 6 skirt last night and was able to zip it up all the way (however, it's still too tight to wear out).  Last month, I had a good 2 inches gap in the zipper area, so I am getting close to what my goal is.  I am very happy as a size 5/6.  I am a naturally curvy person and love that.  I will never be 'fashionably slim' and that is ok, because my body type isn't of a slim hipped sort.

The chia seeds work better than SWF or any laxative tea for me.  My blood sugar is stabilized, I've been losing *more* weight, actually, since starting it.  I also don't feel as sick anymore.  I don't mind a 'slower' cleanse (though it doesn't seem to be slowing it at all), as long as I am not comatose.

I've been working on my gardens mostly and taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather.  It feels good to MOVE.

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