Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Day 2 Plus some info on the Salt Water Flush

I felt this way last night.  If someone would've accidentally fallen on me, I would've killed and eaten them.  I am not joking.

I woke up at 10 am, feeling fantastic and down a whopping SIX pounds! 

Now, I know that this is just water weight (I am being visited currently by Aunt Flo, so water weight is what I am right now).  When you're on your period and you lose 6 pounds overnight, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth :)

I started to nod off around noon, but was suddenly and rudely roused by the high school marching band that marches past my front door every day at pre-cise-ly 1 pm.  They do this every April/May in preparation for our local Blossometime Festival and parade.  It makes noontime napping impossible.

So far, I've imbibed 2 cups of MC swill (6-12 cups are the minimum daily requirements).  I've been making a large glass and DOWNING it like a shot over my kitchen sink to ensure I drink it all.

People have asked me what my thoughts are on the Salt Water Flush (SWF).  I do NOT do the SWF.  I have done it before and I detest it.

For those who don't know what SWF is, here's my description:

The SWF is a saline water concoction that some people drink every morning in order to 'flush' their systems out during the MC.  You mix an ungodly amount (a couple of liters, I believe) of water with sea salt, until it's as salty as a can of undiluted Campbell's soup.  (They actually have a recipe for it online)  You then gulp the entire thing down AS FAST AS YOU CAN... and wait for the magic to happen.

Within 20-30 minutes, you should experience a distinct rumbling in your belly, which will often lead to debilitating and painful stomach cramps.  At this point you should RUN straight for the loo/commode/toilet/bucket or anything handy within arm's reach and WAIT for the violent eruptions to commence.  If you hate your neighbors, this is a great time to stick your fanny out of the window, for it WILL hit their house.  For many, it's an evacuation like they've never seen before.

I think these folks might like the SWF better than I would.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Master Cleanse.  However, I cannot fathom why anyone would want to poop like this every damned morning.  I often wonder who the sadistic jackass was that invented this form of quickie shit purging.

Instead, I opt for more gentle evacuation methods.  I prefer Swiss Kriss, which is a senna based laxative, at bedtime.  Smooth Move tea is also senna based and a great relief for sluggish bowels and toxin elimination.  If you have a colonics place nearby, I recommend going to them at least once a week.  In any detox/fast/cleanse, pooping is your Friend... I just don't need friends like the ones made by the SWF.


At the end of the day I was able to finish up with 6 glasses total.  I slept off and on most of the day, so I wasn't very hungry.  I also had a few liters of spring water. 

My detox symptoms are mostly headaches and fatigue right now.   Odd, as I have *also* been suffering from insomnia these last few days.

I drank some Sleepytime Extra tea tonight in hopes that it will knock me out.

Link to yesterday (day 1) here


  1. In Fascist Italy (under Mussolini), Castor Oil was used as a weapon of torture against people. I bet it did wonders for the colon flush...

  2. oh dear God, that's something even *I* didn't know!!! What a messy form of torture!!
