Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feeling Out of Sorts This Week? Blame the Sun!

We've been bombarded by various solar and geomagnetic events this week. 

Now, the government and scientists have been talking about this stuff 'zapping' our power grids, but they've neglected to mention other important things-- namely, how these storms and the sun also 'zap' the human body.

Folks have complained about headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach disturbances, headaches, etc in the last week during these events.  It's been documented to cause sudden death via stroke and heart attack as well.  People can feel weepy, angry, emotional, and have trouble sleeping, followed by intense fatigue. 

Here is what's going on right now:

"This is effectively a Ready.gov advice sheet on Space Weather.. For the naysayers, solar storms are nothing new, but it is the fact that the transmitting properties of space have changed and therefore if we get huge solar coronal mass ejections coming our way, then they will have a bigger impact. This is combined with the issues that Earth's magnetosphere (magnetic shielding) is less affective. Earth's magnetic shield has "cracks" in it as well as sometimes there are massive breaches where the magnetic field effectively disappears on the daylight side. What this means is the planet can be "zapped" by large large flows of charged particles from the Sun (BIG electrical shocks) and if this is too severe there is a danger of national power grids being knocked out. Of course on a personal level, every single brain on the planet is also getting some big shocks too as the big and small shocks are detected by human brains that are wired into the environmental Schumann Resonances - but there are other environmental signals that humans can pick up that are not so beneficial. Now, we only have more revelations from the space agencies about geomagnetic conditions getting worse and worse. The planet is now regularly ringing like a bell with spacequakes."


Another TERRIFIC site dedicated to these solar events is http://mysolaralerts.blogspot.com/

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