Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Day 1

After 3 yrs of not being able to do the MC successfully (due to blissful happiness and having a person around who waits on me hand & foot and plies me with cheesecake at 3 am, 'just because'), I have committed to a full 30 days. 

R is under strict orders not to ply me with anything non-lemonade/water/tea.

Here are the highlights from my day thus far:

The biggest issue for R is the fact that we found 17 morels this week in the woods.

R:  Are you sure you want to do this?  We have a refrigerator full of morel mushrooms.

(at this point, I feel my will power slackening slightly, but quickly am able to smack it back into submission)

Me:  Get the food saver out and freeze them.  I can cook them later.

R:  ... but they'll be squished flat!

Me:  Then buy some damned FREEZER bags.  You don't even like mushrooms!! 

He brought home the lemons, the maple syrup, and the cayenne this afternoon.  I didn't even have my first glass until about an hour ago.  I wasn't hungry, I had a killer PMS headache going on, and I have been horribly cranky/crampy for the last three days

My friend, G stopped over with her 2 girls to see the puppy and to show me the new Mercedes.  When I answered the door, I must've had this 'look' about me. 

G:  What's wrong?

Me:  It's the first day of my master cleanse

G:  Ok, see ya later!

... and she quickly bounded off my porch with the girls to the safety of her new car.

I am clearly incredibly toxic right now and in serious need of a detox.

yeah, I'm talkin' Brittney Spears toxic

I really feel good about these next 30 days.  It's odd doing it without having a show to do or photos to take.  Honestly, the Master Cleanse works best when you are a.  paid to do it  and b.  have a deadline (with wardrobe fittings)

(I do have one deadline- a cardiology appointment in June.  That's a good reason to do this, I just realized)

It also works really well when you are SINGLE and/or UNHAPPY, of which I am currently neither.
(for those of you reading, let that be a lesson to you all!  HAPPINESS MAKES YOU FAT!)

R:  You're NOT fat.

Me:  If my boobs have their own area code, then there's a problem

R:  I don't see a problem with that at all

Yeah, I am still smaller than 70 percent of the people I know... but this is about HEALTH and the weight loss is actually secondary at this point.  

(but, yeah, my clothes are all sized 5/6 and my rear end is decidedly a straight-up size 8/9 right now.  When my boobs leave Victoria Secret territory and start galloping at top speed to Frederick's of Hollywood territory, there is a *major* problem.)

Oh, and throw in the fact that I've vowed (yes, I said VOWED), I would also work out, albeit gently, while I cleansed, I have my work cut out for me.

(I love the weighted hula hoop SO much... and all you have to move is your core)

Thank God I am always up for a challenge and occasional body deprivation. 

My OCD needs to keep me involved.

R (upon arriving home from class): I have a FECKIN' headache.

Me: I had one all day.

R: But I had one FIRST!

Me: I blogged mine first, so I win.

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