Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Day 7

It's been ONE WEEK!  WOOHOO!  An *entire* SEVEN days!

I had SO much planned to do today, but I did nothing (well, nothing practical) instead.  All this great energy was completely wasted.

I started the day feeling better than I have all week... then the national news re: the Occupy protests and the Chicago NATO military buildup sidetracked me, which made me forget to drink swill... which made me feel oogey after I had a glass... and which leads me to now, where I am in typing in an exhausted heap from my bed.

I realized today that the act of thinking takes up a lot more energy on the Master Cleanse than it normally seems to when one is eating.

One of these days, my spring cleaning *will* happen, mark my words

My niece, who is 7 months pregnant, called today.  She was upset that her doctor told her they're putting her on bed rest.

Me:  What exactly is bed rest?  What can you do?  Lay around and have sex all day or what?

My niece (in a sad voice):  Noooo... I have to lay here and can only get up to eat or go to the bathroom.

Me:  Really?!  That's it?  Then I've been on bed rest my entire life and it's AWESOME.

I realized that the only difference between my niece's current circumstances and my own (at the moment) was that she GETS TO EAT SOLID FOOD...  we both find ourselves laying on our backs, feeling out of sorts.  At this point, I think I would gladly trade her.

you're welcome
IN Master Cleanse news today:

~The insides of my mouth taste like a sour sweat sock coated in dog's drool.  My tongue is coated so thickly that I am sure the bacteria there think it's a white Christmas.  No matter how much I use the tongue scraper, it never seems to all go away.  

~I am thinner, the kind of thinner that I can gauge with my own dysmorphic eyeballs.  I need to get my tuchas exercising soon.  Thin with lumps is not a good look for me.  When the legs look like you're hiding mice under your thigh skin, it's time to move that bootay. 

~I've finally given in to my first bit of food porn.  I caught myself drooling over some Italian cabage and garlic recipe this afternoon.  I went as far as posting a link to it on my facebook page.  I've tried SO hard not to go to food sites this time around, but my evil fingers didn't listen today.

~I am a foofy in the brain... no attention span yet and a bit forgetful. 

Will type more later, if things happen :)

11 pm 

This evening has been the most difficult day for me so far re cravings.  I've been battling the desire to break (but I won't.  I am more stubborn that that) all night.  Grrr...

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