Friday, April 27, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Day 3

This is not an 'after' pic of me post-Master Cleanse

It is day 3 and I am cranky as hell.  I will briefly mention that I saw a news article about a man who made mummies out of McDonalds burgers (because they don't rot).  My stomach was immediately turned thinking of all the hamburgers I've eaten over the three thousand years I've been alive.  My intestines are not happy this morning... so I will blame years of MickeyD abuse and pout until it's over.

Insomnia struck last night as well.  I didn't get to sleep until 6 am.  This MC day has been brought to you by the mini-series "The Thorn Birds" and Richard Chamberlain.  I've turned to over-melodramatic 80s television during these difficult first days and I don't know if that's a good thing.  I spent my evening trying to find any glimmer of gay that could've peeped through his straight character's cracks and I must say that the priest bit covers it up slightly.  The man-child-elderly woman love triangle was somewhat disturbing to me, though.  I don't think that they could get away with making something like this now.  Our current modern world is shamelessly sanitized and PC.

I haven't made any swill yet-- I've been up for exactly 2 hours, with no desire for anything except a fist fight at this point.  The headache has miraculously gone away, but the dogs are driving me nuts.  Living with three Newfoundlands (2 adults-1 pup), not always a treat.  My hearing is different since starting this MC.  I've noticed that sounds are louder over the last two days.  It's been a major pain in the ass... R gave them bones and the "crunch, crunch, crunch" grinding of teeth against bone for 30 minutes straight is worse than nails on a chalkboard.

I took the pup (Tiberius, who is now almost 4 months old) out to potty in the noon sun.  I was so dizzy a few times that I had to stop and steady myself.  I contemplated doing some gardening, then I realized the madness in that line of thinking.  I have 5 bags of black mulch that will have to continue to be yard ornaments for a while longer.

Tiberius the Silver Newf pup
it's gotta be the detox if even this amount of cute can't snap you out of a bad mood

As I was typing that last bit out, R handed me a freshly made glass of MC swill.  I think my detox evil was getting to him.  He's also making tea right now, thank goodness.  2 cups have gone down my hatch!  Only 4-10 cups to go!

(I don't drink coffee during the MC, but see nothing wrong with tea. I normally drink very little caffeine as a rule, but find that hot teas help during the cleanse.)

ain't that the truth

So... in 3 days I am down 8 lbs (water weight from my period) and I still don't feel like much is happening.

Me (lifting my shirt up, so that R can see):  Do you notice a difference?  Is it doing anything?!

R:  Your waistline is smaller, but it's only been 3 days.  It would help if you worked out a little bit.

Me:  It would help if I could stand upright, bucko.  I am supposed to be gentle with myself the first couple of days.

R (as he runs for safety):  Yeah, and in the meantime, you're not being gentle with anyone else in this house.

I have to admit, he's right about that.


Later that day:
Yeah, I am a ferocious MC nazi beast right now, I admit it.  Detox nastiness is very much like having PMS hormonal mood swings-- after being bitten by a rabid squirrel, then left untreated until you foam at the mouth yourself.  To make all the emotional stuff even better, add the last episode of The Thorn Birds when everyone Meggie loves dies.  By 7 pm I had puffy, teary eyes and snot running down my nose from watching that melodramatic crap.  Five minutes after THAT, I am informed that our stove has decided to die (which is ok for me right now, I'm on the master cleanse) AND that carpenter ants have decided to infest my front porch.  Apparently, there is a hole in the boards the size of my palm.

Swill intake for the day (thus far) is only 4 cups (plus 2 cups of white tea and copious liters of water).

I spent the afternoon relatively pain-free (and craving free/headache free *knock wood*).  My father dropped off his 14 week old Newfoundland pup (one of mine from our litter in January).  Dozer (my dad's dog) and Tiberius (my puppy) received their weekly baths today, so I was drenched with water for most of the time he was here.

Dozer and Tiberius the 14 week old Newf pups

Keeping busy is definitely a great way to combat cravings, at least until you feel like you're going to keel over.  Sappy movies, blogging, reading things (like before/after websites of other MC victims) also help.  In my past MCs, I've caved in and logged MANY, MANY hours of food porn... for those who don't know what that is:  glossy, delicious internet images of food=food porn.  I'd plan entire meals or my diet after the cleanse.  It becomes like a sickness.  One can overcome these things by having other interests or projects.  Exercise helps, too. Sleep is great.  Pamper yourself, baby yourself- do whatever it takes to get you through the tough first few days.  It *does* get better, I promise.

Also, you may experience detox chills/illness.  These things usually indicate that you need to use the toilet.  Once you've purged, folks tend to feel like their old selves again.  Remember, you have to keep the pipes a-flowing during this cleanse.

Now I think I will go make more swill plus some tea...

After posting this blog earlier, this happened:

1.  we discovered that carpenter ants were eating our porch
2.  My stove broke
3.  My niece who is 7 mos pregnant is in the hospital with some sort of seizure and had been unresponsive for an hour.

All this happened within an hour and a half.  I need to breathe-

12:52 am:

Woke from a 2 hour 'nap', wishing I hadn't waken up.  I still need to drink a bit more.
Day 3 is traditionally the beginning of 'healing crisis' time.  It's basically the hump day of the entire cleanse (though there will be many, many similar days, depending on how long you stay on the MC). 

This evening I felt cold.  I had to pile a couple of duvets on me to get warm-- even hot tea did nothing.  I know from past experience that it means that my body needs to purge toxins.  Once one uses the toilet, these weird symptoms disappear.

Later on, a warm bath, some swill and tea did the trick of fixing all of it. 

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