Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Master Cleanse Journey- Days 14 and 15- Garden Days and BBL Workouts

First Pinata rose bloom of the year

It's been rather difficult for me to keep up with blogging daily, since I've been busy in my garden with Spring plantings.  I am currently building a trellis system for my newest vegetable bed we just plowed up from former lawn. 

The best news is that the chia seeds in the swill seem to be giving me boundless energy, as promised.  I've been able to work long hours in the garden AND complete my BBL Beachbody workouts everyday. 

The only difficulty is fighting the hunger cravings as soon as I come in from working or working out.  If I drink immediately, I am golden and they go away.  The longer one is on the cleanse, the easier it gets.  However, psychologically it becomes more difficult.  Your mind always tries to bargain with itself at this point.

I noticed that old injuries now are resurfacing, like this article says would happen in longer fasts.  I have an old back injury from a fall two years ago that's giving me a bit of trouble.  Hopefully this healing crisis will pass soon.  It's not painful, per se, but is uncomfortable when I lay on it.

I've been feeling really happy this week :)

The Beachbody BBL workouts have been killer.  I am seeing minor changes in shape already, which encourages me to keep going.  All in all, I've been feeling fantastic!  I've been having some insomnia issues from the massive amount of energy lately.  Hard work is the best remedy for this, I've found.

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